A hilarious collection of short stories heard by the diet coke on the table.
Awhile back, I painted my love for diet coke. I wanted to challenge myself to design a book cover and story concept to accompany the painting. Enter Diet: A hilarious collection of short stories heard by the diet coke on the table. All the pregame nights, hungover brunches, family gatherings, and even those afternoon caffeine breaks can have some of the juiciest, awkward or heated stories–and here they are all bundled up in a book. Put it on your coffee table, propped in your bookshelf or even next to your bed. Whatever story you flip to, will, no doubt, give you a laugh.
When researching typefaces to use, I gravitated towards bold, funky designs that gave the affect of ice cubes distorted in liquid. Tumb has just the right amount of boldness to bring you closer and enough curves and edges that compliment the diet coke painting. Using Futura Bold as the secondary typeface allows all the other elements to shine while holding down the fort with simplicity.